Creative Technologies: Accelerated Masters
The Creative Technologies accelerated masters program allows qualified Illinois State undergraduate Creative Technologies majors to earn a master’s degree in Creative Technologies.
As a student in this program, you'll earn 12 hours of graduate credit in your senior year. You can complete your graduate degree requirements with only one, to one and a half years of additional enrollment.
This program is for current Illinois State students only.
Point of Pride
The School of Creative Technologies combines serious artistry with modern technology to train true digital artists who are prepared to adapt to today's needs.
Why study Creative Technologies: Accelerated Masters?
Any student in the Arts program can take courses in Creative Technologies. If you major in Creative Technologies, you get a more in-depth academic experience with digital image-making, audio, and interactive environments such as the web.
Creative Technologies at Illinois State is a multimedia school providing experiences in music (sound design), theater (light and sound design), and art (Web design). The curriculum emphasizes theory, design, and practice in the application of computer technology to art, music, and theatre.
The program provides critical training and experiences that prepare graduates for careers in digital and interactive media production including: front-end web development; video production; sound design for live performance, broadcast, and multimedia; digital music composition and production; and emerging arts disciplines where basic knowledge of coding is required. Graduates work for employers of all types including small businesses, government agencies, and corporations; and some are self-employed entrepreneurs.
The program is appropriate for students who have training in the arts, experience working with digital and interactive communication tools, or computer science with experience in the arts and interactive media. Many students have established careers in related fields and wish to enhance their knowledge of new technical tools and creative processes.
Schedule a Visit
Come see campus and meet with campus representatives either in person or virtually. Optional chances to meet with academic department, honors, and financial aid.
How to Apply
Applying to Illinois State
This program is for current Illinois State students in one of the Creative Technologies undergrad sequences: Audio and Music Production, Game Design, and Interdisciplinary Technologies.
Applying to the Accelerated Program
High achieving students with a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher may apply to the accelerated sequence one year before completion of their undergraduate degree.
This sequence allows students to take up to 12 hours of approved graduate courses that will count for both the undergraduate and graduate program in Creative Technologies. Students can then apply to the Creative Technologies graduate program in the spring of their senior year.
Enrollment in the Accelerated Sequence does not guarantee final admission into the Creative Technologies graduate program.
For additional information on minimum requirements for admission and the application and selection process, contact the Creative Technologies program advisor.
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