Cultures and traditions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or Indigenous Peoples of the World (AMALI) Graduation Requirement
Students must have completed at least one course in AMALI (that is, cultures and traditions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or Indigenous Peoples of the World), (formerly Global Studies). To be designated an AMALI course , it must meet the following criteria:
- a minimum of 75 percent of the course content must deal directly with the culture(s) from one or more of these regions
- exploration of the culture(s) is developed in a comparative perspective which helps the student understand and appreciate differences between the culture(s) under consideration and cultures and traditions of America; and
- the course includes exposure to primary writings and artifacts from the culture(s).
Satisfying the AMALI Graduation Requirement
Students can satisfy the AMALI graduation requirement in two ways:
- Complete and AMALI-approved course at Illinois state University.
- Complete an approved course in the Illinois Articulation Initiative General Education Core Curriculum with an "N" designation.
The following are approved AMALI courses:
AMALI Courses on Course Finder
(Gen Ed) - AMALI courses also approved for the General Education Program
- ANT 185 (Gen Ed)
- ANT 270
- ANT 278
- ANT 280
- ANT 294
- ANT 303
- ANT 307
- ANT 308
- ANT 384
- ART 275 (Gen Ed)
- CHI 111
- CHI 112
- CHI 115
- CJS 369
- COM 320a01
- COM 390a01
- ENG 206/LAN 206 (Gen Ed)
- ENG 206a01/LAN 206a01 (Gen Ed)
- ENG 206a02/LAN 206a02 (Gen Ed)
- ENG 206a03/LAN 206a03 (Gen Ed)
- ENG 206a04/LAN 206a04 (Gen Ed)
- ENG 266
- FCS 222 (Gen Ed)
- FRE 314
- FRE 325
- GEO 135 (Gen Ed)
- GEO 235a01 (Gen Ed)
- GEO 235a02 (Gen Ed)
- GEO 235a04 (Gen Ed)
- GEO 235a07 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a01 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a02 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a03 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a04 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a05 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 104a06 (Gen Ed)
- HIS 245
- HIS 263
- HIS 265
- HIS 266
- HIS 267
- HIS 272
- HIS 275
- HIS 276
- HIS 282
- HIS 283
- HIS 307
- HIS 310
- HIS 370
- HIS 373
- HIS 375
- HSC 206 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 121a13 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 121a14 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 121a29 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 121a68 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 203 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 203a05 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 203a10 (Gen Ed)
- IDS 203a15 (Gen Ed)
- JPN 111
- JPN 112
- JPN 115
- JPN 116 (Gen Ed)
- JPN 231
- JPN 232
- LAN 125a01 (Gen Ed)
- LAN 206 (Gen Ed)
- MUS 153 (Gen Ed)
- MUS 154 (Gen Ed)
- MUS 275 (Gen Ed)
- MUS 275a01 (Gen Ed)
- PHI 207
- PHI 208
- PHI 209
- POL 140 (Gen Ed)
- POL 151
- POL 240
- POL 245
- POL 246
- POL 247
- POL 340
- POL 345
- POL 349
- SOC 220 (Gen Ed)
- SOC 320
- SPA 244
- SPA 326
- SPA 327
- SPA 336
- THE 271
- THE 271a07
- THE 275a01 (Gen Ed)
- THE 275a02 (Gen Ed)