Access and Accommodations
Students needing an accommodation to fully participate in commencement should contact Student Access and Accommodation Services. Please allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation. Guests with accessibility questions can view the commencement accessibility video for information about accessible drop-off, parking, and CEFCU Arena seating.
Commencement Ceremonies
Commencement ceremonies are held in CEFCU Arena. The north entrance of the Arena features a circle drive and is the most accessible of all entrances. This area is the recommended place to drop off individuals with disabilities and guests with mobility limitations. The east, west, and south entrances have only stairs leading to the doors. Please note that this circle drive area is for drop-off only. To allow all guests the opportunity to utilize the drop-off area, no parking will be allowed. Accessible parking is available in lots F61, F71, and F72 to the west and north of Horton Field House. A handicap sticker or hang tag must be displayed to park in these areas. Parking attendants will provide directions to the nearest available lot. All parking is first-come, first-served.
Staff are available at the north entrance of CEFCU Arena to direct guests to accessible seating.
Accessible seating is available for individuals with disabilities and mobility limitations. Each guest requiring accessible seating may have only one additional family member/friend seated with them. All seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations are required. Arrival 60 minutes prior to the ceremony is recommended.
Wheelchairs and Other Mobility Devices
Wheelchairs and other mobility devices are NOT provided. If needed, please bring a wheelchair or mobility device for the day of the event.
Sign Language Interpreters/Live Captioning
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are provided for all commencement ceremonies. Guests will be escorted to specific seating for optimum use of this service. Each guest needing this service may have only one additional family member/friend sit with them. Live captioning of the ceremonies is provided on the Arena video board.
Service Animals
For additional information about service animals on campus, visit Student Access and Accommodation Services.
Commencement Materials
Publications are available in alternate formats upon request by contacting Commencement staff at (309) 438-2008 or .