Team Excellence Award
Complete the nomination form online
The Illinois State University Team Excellence Award was established in 1997 to recognize collaborative efforts of a group demonstrating exemplary teamwork. Groups that worked during the previous year are announced and recognized annually.
Awards will recognize a departmental unit or cross-unit work group that has facilitated, promoted, or demonstrated one or more of our institutional values (see below) through their collaborative efforts. The criteria for selection will focus upon the efficient use of fiscal and human resources to meet University goals and objectives that enhance the quality of our collective lives. Awards will be given for projects that have had significant accomplishments between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 (Fiscal Year 2024).
Our Values
Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship: Illinois State University students, faculty, and staff excel in the pursuit of learning as an active, lifelong process through a balanced model of teaching, research, creative productivity, and experiential learning.
Individualized Attention: Illinois State University provides a supportive, student-centered environment that maximizes each student’s potential. The University fosters academic and personal growth, recognizes unique educational aspirations, and values each faculty and staff member’s contributions to student success.
Equity, Diversity, Access and Belonging: Illinois State University upholds and models a campus culture of belonging dedicated to equity, diversity, access, and social justice for all.
Collaboration: The Illinois State University community works collaboratively through shared governance to ensure a culture of success, development, and continuous improvement. The University partners with business, industry, government, and educational entities to expand outreach and provide leadership expertise in local, statewide, national, and international initiatives.
Community and Civic Engagement: Illinois State University prepares students to be informed, ethical, and engaged global leaders who will shape, uphold, and advance civic engagement as a lifelong responsibility for the betterment of society.
Respect: Illinois State University fosters a culture that embodies mutual respect, openness to new ideas, different cultural perspectives, and a synergistic approach to problem-solving. Faculty, staff, and students promote understanding, acknowledge each other’s rights to express differing opinions, and listen and respond to opposing views with civility.
Integrity: Illinois State University promotes the highest levels of ethical standards and accountability in personal and professional actions in all endeavors.
Our Vision
Illinois State University will be a national leader in student-focused education connecting teaching, research, innovation, and intercultural understanding.
The Award
A one-time award of $3,000 will be presented to the team that best meets the criteria outlined above. Two honorable mention awards of $1,000 each may also be given. These awards may be used for business related items as determined by the team decision-making process of award recipients, but may not be used for personal gain. The award winning team may receive this award no more frequently than once every seven years. In the event of a cross-unit/department team, the monetary award will be divided equitably among team members.
A team (two or more individuals) must consist of civil service staff and/or administrative professional staff, and/or faculty. A team may consist of a group from one departmental unit or from more than one unit.
Nomination Procedure
A letter of support from the team's direct supervisor and/or the team’s department chair/school director should accompany the completed nomination form. Nomination materials are due November 22, 2024.
Award recipients will be notified early in the spring semester.
Team Excellence Award Winners
The year listed designates the award presentation year, typically held during Founder's Day in February, awards are bestowed for work completed the previous fiscal year.
Winner: Textbook Affordability Committee - Preview Presentations
Honorable Mentions: IFAMA Case Experience for Students and the Inaugural Ballin' on Beaufort Event
Winner: Pass It On – Front Yard Free Cycle
Honorable Mentions: Improve Prospective Student Experience in My, Redbird Buzz
Winner: Title IX Apparel Line and Awareness Project
Mennonite College of Nursing P.R.O.U.D., Illinois State University Flagship TikTok
Winner: ISU Information Technology Community
Honorable Mentions: Milner Library CARLI Counts, Voter Engagement Coalition
Winner: Student Affairs IT
Honorable Mentions: Facilitates Management – The Stores Team, Introduction to Technology at Illinois State Orientation
Winner: Creative Con
Honorable Mentions: International Studies Program, Professional Development Schools Program
Winner: Fix It Friday
Honorable Mentions: Charles Morris STEM Social Team, What it Means to be a Redbird
Winner: Campus Climate Task Force
Honorable Mentions: Graduate Student Professional Development Series Team, Study Abroad Team
Winner: Food Recovery Network Program team
Winner: Giving Tuesday
Honorable Mentions: Redbird Scholar, Social Media Analytics Command Center (SMACC)
Winner: Fresh FAVS
Honorable Mentions: Human Library Committee, Safety Ambassadors Foodservice Excellence
Honorable Mentions: America's Promise Team Project, General Education Task Force
Winner: Cardinal Court Redevelopment Team
Honorable Mentions: Family Science Day, SMART Clinic
Winner: The NCAA Certification Team
Honorable Mentions: iPeople Implementation Team, Good To Go Team
Winner: The Master Plan Team
Honorable Mentions: CeMaST Stage Stop Organization Team, WGLT Pledge Drive Marketing Team
Winner: Transformers
Honorable Mentions: Gladly We Give, On Common Grounds: Dialogues on Diversity and Social Justice
Winner: Success 101
Honorable Mentions: Reggie Ride, Washington D.C. Civic Engagement Study Tour
Winner: 150th Anniversary Implementation Team
Honorable Mentions: Student Fitness and Kinesiology/Recreation Committee, Fear the Bird/Bird Shirt Committee
Winner: "It’s Not Just a Major, It’s a Mission” One-Day Workshop
Honorable Mentions: Student Research Symposia (Spring 2006) (Undergraduate and Graduate), Developing the Student Foundation
Winner: ISU Solar Car Team
Honorable Mentions: Welcome2ISU, JumpStart Program
Winner: Service and Leadership Lifestyle Floor
Honorable Mentions: iCampus/TouchNet/Redbird Card Deposit, Virus Response Planning Committee
Winner: Women’s Mentoring Network
Honorable Mentions: New Integrated Marketing Program for Office of Admissions, Schroeder Hall Occupant Relocation Project
Winner: Campaign Kickoff Team
Honorable Mentions: Tunnel of Oppression Project, iCampus Project
Winner: Campus Mast Plan Steering Team
Honorable Mentions: Student Service and Referral Center’s Extended Client Services Hours, Utilities Services Fairchild/Metcalf Air-Conditioning Team
Winner: Online Admissions Application Team
Honorable Mentions: Homecoming 2000 Team, Web Team
Winner: Women and Employment: Linking Local and Global Team
Honorable Mentions: Inauguration Team, Alcohol Programming Initiative Team
Winner: Foundation Computing Certification Program
Honorable Mentions: E-Mail Express Team, Old Main Bell Restoration Team
Winner: Confirmation of Attendance Team
Honorable Mentions: Border Subjects Team, Educational Lecture Series Team
Winner: Renovation of General Classrooms
Honorable Mentions: Watterson Commons Dining Center, Drug and Violence Prevention Grant
Winner: Nite Ride Team
Honorable Mentions: Debit Card Team, Passages-New Student Orientation