Diverse speakers, activities, and writers that is accessible to the student body
Task Force Recommendation: Create an Inclusive Classroom
Task Force Project: Diversify the classroom experience by bringing in diverse speakers, activities, and books/writers while ensuring that material is accessible to the student body at large.
Champion: Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino, Angell Howard
Status: Ongoing
Implementation Team Actions
- T he Illinois State University Speaker Series focused on speakers on the topics of equity and inclusion, and the Cultural Dinners through University Housing continue to provide engaging speakers. L arger on-campus symposiums and conferences as well as college and departmental weeks (Science and Tech nology Week, Business Week, Comm unications Week) include speakers on equity and anti-racism .
- Milner Library unveiled the online Systemic Racism guide, which explores systemic racism and the many forms it takes. The library also announced a new topical library guide on LGBTQIA+ resources.
Next step/Timeline
- Continuing