Re-formulate the underrepresented faculty incentives program
Task Force Recommendation: Recruit and Retain Diverse Faculty and Staff Across the Inclusion Spectrum
Task Force Project: Re-formulate the underrepresented faculty incentives program and spousal hire to ensure transparency, clear guidelines, and accessibility to all underrepresented faculty groups and include AP Professionals and Civil Service staff.
Champion: Sam Catanzaro, Jeff Lange, Janice Bonneville
Status: Ongoing
Implementation Team Actions
- Throughout the 2021-2022 The Office of the Provost announced investments in incentives in the form of new stipends, grants , and in-residence programs. The Scholar-in-Residence program from the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology includes stipends up tp $6,000 for faculty members.
- The Office of the Provost ramped up efforts to increase transparency of the Education Diversity Enhancement Program (EDEP). The effort offers matching funds for up to three years for newly recruited faculty. The funds can be used for teaching, research, and the creative arts.
- In FY20, nearly 26 percent of nearly hired faculty received funds. Administrators involved in hiring approvals also took the step of recommending the program to faculty if department chairs did not request.
- Cluster hiring for interdisciplinary programs is on hold during COVID-19, but the Provost's office plans to resume the program in the future.
Next step/Timeline
- The Office of the Provost will continue to advocate for the EDEP, and increase communications with search committees and department chairs.
- Continue to work with Human Resources on training for search committees.